
How to replace the 32x32 icons on the screen from Account tab in CCP?


The icons being used are determined in the CCP_AccountScreen_GetWin.xml (~/bm/conf/wnd/BM/CCP_AccountScreen_GetWin.xml) in the elements section:

<window defs="BM:AHRC:TASKMAN" type="folder" id="CCP_AccountScreen_GetWin" header="Account" ICON="images/nav/tree/BillingManager/0-BillingManager-32.gif">
  <screen_description>"This is where you set up and manage your account information, user data and subscriptions."</screen_description>
    <href id="buy_services" icon="images/icons/buy_services_32.gif" value="Buy More Services" visibility="vo"/>
    <href id="reg_domain" icon="images/icons/reg_new_domain_32.gif" value="Register New Domain" visibility="vo"/>
    <href id="buy_resources" icon="images/icons/buy_resources_32.gif" value="Buy Additional Resources" visibility="vo"/>

To change the icons follow the steps:

  1. Put the new image file(s) to


    on the PBA-E application server (please note that icons will not be removed during upgrade).

  2. Create a customization file CCP_AccountScreen_GetWin.xml, its content and location must correspond to general customization rules:

    For example:

    <window id="CCP_AccountScreen_GetWin">
            <href id="buy_services" icon="images/icons/buyk.gif"/>

    This customization replaces the default buy_services_32.gif with buyk.gif.

    If the changes shall affect only specific reseller(s), see for details.

  3. Restart www for changes to apply:

    /etc/init.d/www restart

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