
Provider or customer cannot switch Service Plan or period for a subscription due to the following error message:

There is already a Resource Order #ID in Status Manual Operation Required(MO). This order prohibits the 'Change Plan Period for Subscription' action. Please either cancel conflicting order or wait while it will be processed or contact Provider.


  1. #ID is the Order Number of a particular conflicting Resource Order.
  2. The status of a conflicting Resource Order in error message may be different in different cases, e.g. it may be 'Cancelled'.


There is Provisioning Item sitting in the 'Manual' status in the Resource Order mentioned in the error message. It does not allow to switch Service Plan or period for the subscription.


Complete Provisioning Item which require manual operations (if the required operation was really completed):

  1. Log into PBA Provider Control Panel
  2. Go to Operation Director > Provisioning Manager > Manual Operations
  3. Find the conflicting Resource Order in the list using the Order Number from the error message and click on it
  4. Click on the link in the 'Item ID' field:

  5. Enter a comment into the proper text field and click the 'Mark as Completed' button
  6. Make sure that the provisioning item is not present in the 'Manual Operations' list anymore
  7. Try to switch Service Plan or period for the subscription

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