
Online Store customization pre-check failed.


1. Online Store customization pre-check failed

It happened because obsolete {php} constructions are used in online store customizations. Since PBA 5.5. new smarty does not allow using the {php} tag any longer.

1.1 You can fix templates and disable the usage of {php} constructions immediately, before starting the upgrade to 5.5. If you will, refer to for details. After fixing the templates:

  • Run the pre-check once again. It should pass without any errors.
  • Update the /usr/local/bm/templatestore/conf/ with adding to the end of the file the line $enabledSmartySecurity = true;

The path for Windows (default location) is: C:\Program Files\Parallels\PBA\templatestore\conf\

The online store will work fine both before upgrade and after the upgrade to 5.5.

1.2 If you don't intend to fix the templates immediately:

  • Open Home > System > Information -> View add-ons in PBA Control Panel.
  • Find the "Online Store Smarty Customization" line.
  • In the Version field, put the number of the build to which you are upgrading to.

NOTE! Online store customization done using {php} tags will not work after upgrade in that case.

After upgrade, you can fix the templates (refer to for the details), and disable the usage of {php} constructions in, as described above.

2. Online Store customization pre-check passed

It means there are no {php} constructions in online store customizations. In this case you may immediately, right before the upgrade, disable using those constuctions. For that:

  • Update the /usr/local/bm/templatestore/conf/ with adding to the end of the file the line $enabledSmartySecurity = true;

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