
A customer has PA subscription with IIS web hosting service. In scope of the subscription a customer has webspace with some existing IIS websites hosted in it.

During a new IIS website creating a customer may select where the website will be hosted - in a new webspace or in the existing one:

A customer cannot create new IIS website in new webspace in POA Control Panel due to the error message like below:

Limit reached. The usage of the resource "IIS Physical Hosting" for subscription with ID "<ID>" exceeds the value of "1"

If a customer selects to create new IIS website in already existing webspace then website may be created without any trouble.


Create IIS website in the existing webspace or upgrade the 'IIS Physical Hosting' resource in subscription in PBA Control Panel if Provider allows to have more than one webspace per subscription.


The customer exceeded limit on IIS webspaces represented by the 'IIS Physical Hosting' resource in their subscription, POA does not allow to create new webspace. Check usage of the 'IIS Physical Hosting' resource in the subscription in POA Customer or Provider Control Panel.

The problem is that POA mistakenly allows to select option to create new webspace during new IIS website creating and on the last step of wizard POA says that a new webspace cannot be created. The problem will be resolved in the future updates to the product.

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