
If you have the customized online store template "c2u," "c2u_js," "c2u_resourcegate," or "paci_details," then additional configuration is needed to proceed with a PBA Online Store upgrade.


Such situations occur because customized layout templates cannot be updated automatically during an upgrade. The templates should be updated manually as described below.


  1. Open the PBA DB console.

  2. Find which Online Stores under which Vendors are affected. Execute the following SQL statement:

    select "StorePackage"."AccountID", "StoreLayout"."StoreID" from "StorePackage" inner join "StoreLayout" on "StorePackage"."StoreID" = "StoreLayout"."StoreID" where "StoreLayout"."LayoutID" in ('c2u', 'c2u_js', 'c2u_resourcegate', 'paci_details') order by "StorePackage"."AccountID";
  3. Go through the list of affected Vendors (the first column of the output). Log in under the Vendor to the PBA CP.

  4. For each affected StoreID (the second column of the output), do the following:

  5. Go to Top > Product Director > Online Store Manager > Stores. Select the Store for editing.

  6. Go to Top > Product Director > Online Store Manager > Layout Templates.

  7. Find the c2u template in the list. Open it.

  8. Click "Edit."

  9. Make changes in the template as shown in the attached file. Add the lines starting with "+" and remove the lines that start with "-".

  10. Save changes.

  11. Repeat steps 7 through 10 for the templates c2u_js, c2u_resourcegate, and paci_details in turn.

  12. Repeat steps 2 through 11 for all Online Stores selected in Step 2.

  13. After all Online Stores are updated, manually approve the precheck by setting the version to the PBA version you are upgrading to in Home> System Information> Support> View add-ons > Online Store C2U templates customization > Edit"


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