
A customer created a new SharePoint site in the POA Customer Control Panel.

The site stays in the 'Creating' status, the corresponding POA background task 'Create virtual web server' fails with the following error message:

Your changes could not be saved because this SharePoint Web site has exceeded the storage quota limit.

You must save your work to another location. Contact your administrator to change the quota limits for the Web site.


Too low diskspace limit was specified for the SharePoint site in question. In some cases the minimal storage limit 1 MB allowed by the POA Customer Control Panel may be not enough to create SharePoint site.


Since SharePoint site was not created, cancel the failed task in the POA Task Manager and remove the problem SharePoint site in the Customer CP.

Recreate the SharePoint site from scratch with at least 2 MB of storage quota. The recommended disk space quota for a SharePoint site is 50 MB or more.

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