
A Hosted Exchange service provisioning task fails in Parallels Operations Automation (POA) with errors like:

Provisioning request failed. Error in 'SW Managed Exchange.CreateFolder'.

Exception calling "Execute" with "3" argument(s):

"Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The user load quota of 2147483647 requests per 60 seconds has been exceeded. Send future requests at a slower rate or raise the quota for this user. The next request from this user will not be approved for at least 2137494400 milliseconds. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic."


This problem is caused by Microsoft services' malfunction of the problem Exchange server. POA is not responsible for the error.


Restart IIS on the problem server using the iisreset /NOFORCE command or recycle the MSExchangePowerShellAppPool application pool using IIS Manager.

The ID of the problem server can be found in the failed task properties in POA Task Manager.

Alternatively, go to Top > Service Director > Hosted Exchange Manager > Mailboxes. Search for a mailbox by the mailbox ID mentioned in the task and the Store property will be displayed. Using the store name, you can identify the Exchange server used for provisioning - this is where the IIS service should be restarted.

Additional information

See also Knowledgebase article #115864 for a similar problem caused by exceeded system load quota.

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