
A customer cannot manage their Exchange public folders in OSA Control Panel, corresponding background tasks fail with error message:

Provisioning request failed. There is no such object on the server


No existing 'PublicFolder' matches the following Identity: '\P0001000101\public_folder'. Make sure that you specified the correct 'PublicFolder' Identity and that you have the necessary permissions to view 'PublicFolder'.


Public folder was renamed or even deleted from outside of OSA, most likely by customer in Outlook or OWA.


First, it is necessary to check if public folder was indeed renamed in Exchange. One way of doing this can be to clarify with the end customer (public folder owner), another - try to find if customer has any public folders that were not created in OSA with a name similar to the one that cannot be found.

To find all public folders for customer that exist in Exchange, you can use Exchange Management Shell (EMS).

  1. In POA Provider Control Panel open Service Director > Hosted Exchange Manager > Organizations (Services > E-mail > Organization for 5.5)
  2. In the list of Exchange organizations you can find the one you need by filtering with subscription ID or account name
  3. Click on the Exchange organization in question
  4. Under the 'General' tab, in the 'Organization information' section you will see root public folder for the organization. Root public folders can be named after subscription ID or customer's account name
  5. Then, you can find all public folders that are in the public folder hierarchy below the customer's root public folder using the following EMS cmdlet:

    [PS] C:\> Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\ROOT_PUBLIC_FOLDER" -Recurse

Replace ROOT_PUBLIC_FOLDER in the command with the actual name of customer's Exchange root public folder.

Important: notice the backslash in the command above, it is important.

For instance, if customer has root public folder named 'P001025317', then the cmdlet above may produce the following input:

[PS] C:\> Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\P001025317\" -Recurse
  Name                        Parent Path
  ----                        -----------
  P001025317                  \
  Test1                       \P001025317
  Test2                       \P001025317
  Test3_renamed               \P001025317

In case you have the task failed for public folder named 'Test3', you can look at the name of the public folder 'Test3_renamed' and assume that it was originally called just 'Test3'.

The problem can be fixed by giving public folder the same name as it has in POA using either the Set-PublicFolder cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell or Outlook, then resubmit the failed task in POA.

If the Public Folder in question was completely removed by customer then it has to be recreated from scratch to make it possible to manage public folder in OSA Control Panel.

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