
Switching from the OA Control Panel to BA does not work - after clicking the 'Billing' link in the OA Control Panel, the session ends and one of the following sympoms is observed:

- BA login page is displayed instead of actual login
- duplicated OA right frame instead of BA page
- exception "Error occurred on attempt to initialize Billing Manager CP (https://url) session: Session ID was not found in response from Billing Manager. Please check password is correct."
- Unable to create Account.

The following error message is logged in the __amt_service.log and www.log/billing.www.log:

No root access granted for this address


The IP address of the OA server (control panel/management node/branding) is absent in the ip_access.db file on the BA Application server.


  1. Put IP addresses of all OA UI and Branding servers into the ip_access.db file on the BA Application server to make it possible to log in to BA with the common password from these IPs:

    • Linux: /usr/local/bm/conf/ip_access.db

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Parallels\PBA\conf\ip_access.db (this is the default path, it may be changed on a specific installation)
  2. Restart PBA:

    • Linux: /etc/init.d/pba restart

    • Windows: ssm restart pba


  • Add the IP address to the special section [0] in the ip_access.db file.

  • Use the proper format of records in the file, like this(please make sure that there is no space after true):

    [0] = true

Refer to the documentation for more details.

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