Problem statement

Main symptom - VPS related tasks fail in POA. This article contains description, causes and available solutions for the most frequent problems.

Please see following KB article on how to find tasks related to a particular PVC container: How do I find task(s) related to the customer's PVC container


Basic errors about connectivity to PVC server hosting container.

The following errors are specific to backup/migration operations, most possible issues are: too strict firewall settings; routing issues.

Specific cases for backup creation without visible cause. The solution is to configure provisioning attributes in POA or to upgrade PVA to 4.6.3.

  • "-1 : Failed to backup partition"

    Acronis Error: Module=7 Code=4, "Write error"{=0}, Tag=0
    Acronis Error: Module=4 Code=11, "Specified file does not exist."{function="OpenFileW"}, Tag=f35f747b3b21f823
    Acronis Error: Module=0 Code=fff0, "……"{code=ffffffff80070002}, Tag=bd28fdbd64edb816"
  • "-1 : Failed to backup partition"

    Acronis Error: Module=7 Code=4, "Write error"{=0}, Tag=0
    Acronis Error: Module=4 Code=e, "Operation is not supported."{=0}, Tag=f22447445b0f1f6a"

    Or this:

    Acronis Error: Module=7 Code=4, "Write error"{=0}, Tag=0
    Acronis Error: Module=4 Code=e, "Operation is not supported."{=0}, Tag=f22447445b0f1f3b"

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