
  • After a new installation of Parallels Virtuozzo Containers for Linux 4.6 / 4.7 or Parallels Server Bare Metal 5.0, there is no "vzpkgcache" command on the server.
  • The task in POA fails in this way:

    Application Template "3 mod_ssl-as4" does not show in the list of available Application Templates
    "13     vzpem-pgsql-server-as4" is available but when installing it we get the Failed task:
    Internal error: Can not install Virtuozzo template from ftp://user:pass@555.555.555.555:55555/templates/2.6.4/vzpem-pgsql-server-as4-template-20070516-1.0-1.i386.rpm : 3511 : Can not install packages: distributive collection contains either files of unsupported types or templates of different technologies.


According to the documentation, "Standard OS and application templates, as well as utilities for managing them, are not included in the default Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 distribution set."


In order to enable support for standard templates, please follow this procedure:

  1. Extract distributive of Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6:

    # cd /root/virtuozzo/download/Linux/x86_64
    # ./virtuozzo-4.6.0-187-x86_64.sfx -d /root/distr --extract

    (Replace the path /root/virtuozzo/download/Linux/x86_64 with the actual location of the full distribution if the download location was customized during installation. Check this article to download the proper file if it is absent.)

  2. Install the following packages, if needed:

    # yum install gnuplot mutt perl-Crypt-SSLeay perl-XML-LibXML perl-libwww-perl rpm-build procmail glibc.i686
  3. Install optional packages to enable standard template support:

    # cd  /root/distr/virtuozzo/RPMS/optional/
    # rpm -ihv *.rpm

    Please note that some packages may already be installed on your server, in which case you may skip their installation.

    After taking these steps, the "vzpkgcache" command should be available on your server.

  4. Restart PVA Agent to refresh the information about installed tools:

    # pvaagent restart

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