
How to properly migrate brand from Legacy Linux Shared Hosting to Shared Hosting NG cluster?


The general overview of the procedure:

  1. Deploy NG cluster as per Deploying Linux Web Cluster section> of the Deployment Guide
  2. Deploy UI service on NG as per Creating HA UI Cluster part of Deployment Guide
  3. Set the NG cluster to be ready to provide, verify that all resellers and providers have the resources to create webspaces on NG cluster
  4. Add IP pools which will be used for brand provisioning to NG cluster
  5. For each brand which should be migrated execute the following steps:

    1. In brand settings switch UI node to NG cluster. Go to PCP > System Director > Settings > Brands > Your_Own_Brand, click Edit button and find UI Node field. If you have NG cluster on your OA environment, you will be able to switch this field'a value;
    2. Back up all certificates used on CP site;
    3. Verify that old hosts are marked as “not ready to provide”;
    4. On the reseller's subscription increase the resources Branding webspace, Apache Web Sites and IP based virtual host by 1 if any of them reached it's limit ('Available' amount is 0) in order to allow to create new webspace.
    5. In reseller's (or Provider's in case Provider's brand is being migrated) CCP go to Websites > > Web tab;
    6. Click Change Hosting;
    7. Select required hosting resource from the Hosting drop-down list, click Next;
    8. Select Create new webspace (note – this will be missing if substep #4 was skipped);
    9. Select Exclusive IPv4 (optionally – and IPv6), click Next;
    10. Proceed through the wizard, verify correctness of settings, click Finish;
    11. Wait until spawned tasks complete;
    12. Install certificate from repository (if not available – import it from backup);
    13. Decrease Branding webspace on reseller's resource by 1.
    14. Check that old webspace was destroyed. In CCP > Websites check that there are no webspaces without domains assigned. If any - click Delete button;
    15. Decrease Branding webspace and any other, which limits was increased on step #4, by 1.

Note: you can find all brands existed on your OA environment in PCP > System Director > Settings > Brands, if you set Ownership value to Any and click Search button.

Known issues

  • When Proxy Store is configured on brand, 2 files with set of rules are placed to the specified folder of a webspace: .htaccess and .swaccess. When brand is migrated, these files won't be moved to new webspace. To recreate them after migration, one should go to BA and update parameters of the proxy store (only IP address will be different, other parameters will be the same). Feature request POA-87181 has been submitted to add the full procedure in documentation.
  • 122122 Brand migration failed: Object does not exists in system
  • 128861 Cannot enable SSL support when migrating a Brand - checkbox is absent

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