Structure of APS package

APS application is archived as file and contains the following files/folders:

APP-META.xml Text file containing package metadata in XML format. This file describes application requirements, services, settings and properties.
APP-LIST.xml Text file in XML format that lists all files included in application along with md5 checksums of these files.
htdocs/ Folder with web application content. It can be empty for applications created for provisioning services in an external system (provisioning type 'External System').
images/ Folder with icons and screenshots of application.
scripts/ Folder with scripts that are executed by PA or another provisioning system when application is being installed, reconfigured, upgraded or removed.
test/ Test file(s) or additional utilities for application.

The special utility called APSLint may be used to verify integrity of application packages against Application Packaging Standard. This includes: file format, physical structure and metadata.

Important: APSLint does not verify the integrity of an application itself, nor it is used to debug configuration, verification or upgrade scripts that may be included in the APS package.

The APSLint utility for Windows/Linux/Mac may be downloaded from the official APS Standard website:, the 'Development Tools' section.

The utility is also available on POA Management Node:

  • Linux: /usr/local/pem/APS/tools/apslint/
  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\SWsoft\PEM\APS\tools\apslint\apslint.bat

Example of APSlint usage:

# -v /tmp/

APS 1.x documentation can be found here.

See the main KB article #115664 APS: General information, Best Practices and Troubleshooting for more information.

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