Release notes

This KB contains instructions how to upgrade Apache, BIND, and OpenSSL on POA-managed servers to the latest versions.

Instructions for updating EZ templates below contain <ct_id> placeholder. Replace it with ID of container which you are going to update.

Ensure that application repository is setup to point to Parallels updates site ( before upgrade.

Updating brand servers

Perform the following steps on brand servers:

  1. Update OpenSSL, apr, expat packages

    HW node:

    # yum update openssl
    # yum update apr
    # yum update apr-util
    # yum update expat

    EZ template:

    # vzpkg update -p <ct_id> openssl
  2. Update httpd and modssl packages

    HW node:

    # yum update httpd
    # yum update mod_ssl

    EZ template:

    # vzpkg update -p <ct_id> httpd
    # vzpkg update -p <ct_id> mod_ssl

    Verify that both httpd and mod_ssl packages have version "".

  3. Turn off PHP in Apache config

    Comment section LOADMODULE php4_module modules/ in file /usr/local/pem/etc/apache/httpd.conf_pem.phpmodule.

  4. Restart httpd

    # service pemhttpd restart

Updating DNS servers

HW node and case the BIND was installed not via Application Templates:

# yum update bind

EZ template:

# vzpkg update <ct_id> -p bind

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